Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year..A Dying Daisy & A New Start

On Wednesday, my oldest son, Dylan brought home a boquest of daisies and carnations. They were very sweet. I offered to put them in a vase of water for him. But he said he would do it. I said fine and left it at that. Well two days later after laying in his hot room, you can guess what happened. They pretty much died. But Dylan is like, no there not dead, give them another chance. I was thinking to myself, good luck, but nonetheless, we cut the bottoms and put them in some water, and within hours they started to perk up. I honestly thought they were dead. Granted they weren't brown and smelly. Just limp and hanging over. Well as we watched these flowers come back alive and blossom. I thought to myself. How much is that like us and the many things we try to do. We think we can't and don't, or we try and fail and then give up. It also reminded me of the Savior and how often we fail and yet he gives us chances and chances, never giving up on us. So here I am again. Trying to blog again. Though this time I have a plan of attack and a purpose for blogging. Before I just thought it would be fun, but it is hard keeping up and time consuming and besides who would want to read my blog. And by the way, kudos to those of you who do and keep it interesting. Well I want to keep a family journal that everyone can write in. So my plan is to write one thing that happened to our family each day and then at the end of the year we'll have a great family journal. We'll see how it goes. Wish us luck.

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